Now that Google+ is open to everyone, there are a lot of new people who aren't techies trying out the service. When you first sign on, it can be overwhelming. I've decided to round up a bunch of resou ...
One of the most exciting new features announced by Google+ was the ability to broadcast hangouts live via YouTube, which was recently demonstrated with the very first Google+ Hangout On Air with +will ...
I received an email today, informing me that Google would be adding the +1 button to Google AdSense ads. Google's Inside AdSense blog explains the details further. You will be able to see that your fr ...
It may not seem like it, but it's been less than 90 days since Google+ was introduced to the world. Since then, we've seen many great features that have made Google+ one of the most attractive social ...
On the same day that Google+ introduced mobile hangouts to the world, I received an email from Skype introducing GroupMe, which sounds suspiciously similar to Google+'s messaging feature on mobile. Gr ...
I was going to update the first list of 15 Brilliant Google+ Female Photographers to Circle, but then I kept coming across so many amazing women that I decided to create another post highlighting thei ...
+Guy Kawasaki is someone you should definitely circle on Google+ if you want to keep up with the social media world. He's always got interesting links, and he posts multiple times a day (you may want ...
This week has been pretty exciting for both Facebook and Google. Facebook announced a slew of features that seem on the surface to copy Google+. For Google+ users, a lot of improvements, updates and f ...
In a previous article where I suggested 104 photographers to follow on Google+, I received a lot of criticism because over 90% of the listed photographers were men. While women are currently not a maj ...
As Google+ hums along, releasing new updates and unveiling new features every few days, Facebook seems to be in panic mode. Every week, they've been revealing new features that seem suspiciously simil ...