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With the Smartphone becoming affordable and easy-to-use, the number of persons using them has been increased exponentially across the country. The rapidly increasing volume has resulted in extending t ...

Vedant Solanki, a Final Year Student of Mumbai Has Bagged a Package of $1,90,000 (Rs 1.25 Crore Approximately) Per Annum from Google, Reports Said.A final year student of Mumbai has bagged a package o ...

Recently, Kevin Durant has signed a contract with the Golden State Warriors, leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder, which has upset fans across the country. And now, LeBron James has left Cleveland to joi ...

but im still able to singh in to my gmail account i wonder what is reason of suspended. please can any body help me ...

Hello, I 'm Heidi and am hoping if someone can please help me reinstate my personal Google + profile? I made a few errors by adding some possible inappropriate videos and now I have zero access to my ...

my Google plus profile showing the error - Your profile is currently suspended & Until your profile is unsuspended, you will be unable to use this feature. so plz kindly active my G+ profile as soon a ...

In April 2012, I was suspended because Google+ did not believe my given-at-birth name. WTF? Please help me reinstate my account. ...

My Name Got My Google+ Profile/Account Suspended! How to Reverse History? My Name Is Me! Google Unfaired Me; Doesn't Believe My Name.7/31/12to MeHello,Thanks for Sending Us Your Appeal. You're Right: ...

I received a warning this morning from Google+ that I was violating posting policies, but I have no idea how. Can anyone tell me what I should do? Thank you!!! Francesco ...

Are you feeling like you've got the hang of Google+? Or do you, as I do sometimes, feel like there are just a few too many quirks to keep track of? Here, I've given you 15 quick tips you should know a ...